Category Archives: Food/Drink

Five beers to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day that don’t need to be dyed green to be enjoyed

Just because you’re celebrating the holiday by drinking beer doesn’t mean it has to be light beer with green food coloring.

I’ve always been a bit of a fan of the phrase “Everyone’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.” St. Patrick’s Day is a great excuse to get outside after a long winter and enjoy a nice parade, maybe the first grill session of the spring, and get together with family and friends. Below is a listing of five great Irish brews (and 5 great craft alternatives) to get you in the mood. Continue reading Five beers to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day that don’t need to be dyed green to be enjoyed

Sixpoint Hi-Res

As I mentioned in my Diesel post, Sixpoint is no stranger to heavily hopped brews. Hi-Res is like an even more flavorful version of their popular imperial IPA, Resin, but with the addition of some dry hopped conditioning. At 11.1% ABV and 111 IBU, this is the “one”.

Continue reading Sixpoint Hi-Res

Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout 2012

I was given this bottle of BCBS for Christmas 2012. I made the mistake of putting it in the refrigerator when I got home, which is generally considered a cellaring no-no because the cold temperatures slow the maturation. A year later, though, this was extremely well balanced and a delight to drink. Continue reading Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout 2012

Founders All Day IPA

My tastebuds for IPAs are generally geared towards the heavier double IPA category, so I typically shy away from most standard IPAs and especially those billed as a session beer. This one surprised me, and I’m excited to get it in cans this summer.

(c) 2013 M. Diamond Photography
Founders All Day IPA

Ale and Cheddar Dip with New Albion Ale and Cabot Cheese

For New Year’s Eve, I prepared an ale and cheddar dip. It was very easy to make, and the sauce base is very common and can be used for a lot of different things. It was pretty easy to make and VERY tasty! This would be a great Super Bowl dip as well. Here’s the recipe:

Continue reading Ale and Cheddar Dip with New Albion Ale and Cabot Cheese