Tag Archives: cape cod beer

Cape Cod Beer Brewery Visit

This weekend, my wife and I and two of our friends visited the Cape Cod Beer Brewery in Hyannis, MA. Each year around this time, Cape Cod Beer celebrates Cinco de Mayo by holding a salsa competition (which we did not attend). They also have a special release on their Blonde Ale that was aged with Jalapeño, Serrano and Poblano peppers called “Hot Blonde”. This, is one beer I had to try. At first crack of the growler we purchased, a blast of pepper spice right to your nose. The beer itself has a fresh pepper taste, almost like green bell pepper. Definitely a unique offering.

We got there too late for the official tour, but they do self-guided tours during retail hours. We did a full tasting, which included Blonde, Pilsener, Summer, IPA, and Porter. The Porter is personally my favorite and it has great roasty notes with a little hop character. Fortunately, Cape Cod Beer recently got a serving license and sells full pints for $5. It’s great to be able to taste, see the brewery setup and then order a full pour of your favorite one.
(c) 2013 m. diamond photo
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